So you are a new art collector, here are some tips So, you are an art lover where you go to art shows, exhibitions and such and is overly impressed by those who are seemed to be February 14, 2012
Ahmad Shukri’s new works are all about balance Ahmad Shukri Mohamed’s new works were on show at the recent ‘Golden Gate’ show at Pace Gallery. This would be his latest works where he has February 14, 2012
Does Malaysian Art has its own identity? Does Malaysia actually has its own signature and trademark of art or are our artists just following the ways of other culture and riding on their February 14, 2012
Hidden art gems found in University Malaya In a recent report, an artistic treasured was ‘discovered’ within the realms of University Malaya, the oldest university in Malaysia. UM has been reviving the interest February 14, 2012
The basics of buying art So, you want to start collecting art. Where should you start? First and foremost, you must be aware that anyone can buy art. All you need February 14, 2012
The AEIOU of Collecting Art All art collectors share similar traits. Whether you are a veteran collector in the art scene or one who is seeking out to become one, you February 14, 2012