Art Expo – ‘Peasants and Proletariats: A Print Art Exhibition Tribute To Workers’ – 16th May 2015 to 15th June 2015

malaysia-peasants-197x300The Xin Art Space is hosting an exhibition entitled ‘Peasants and Proletariats: A Print Art Exhibition Tribute To Workers’. This show will feature 2 early prints from the man known as the Father of Modern Batik Art, the late Datuk Chuah Thean Teng. Besides that, there are other works on show by some of the established Malaysian artists as well.

Opening hours : Mondays to Fridays – 10.00am – 6.00pm

Artists Involved:
Kim Ng
Mansoor Ibrahim
Adeputra Masri
Shieko Reto
Rat Heist
Samsuddin Wahab
Shaifuddin Mamat@Poodien
Rizo Leong


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