Taksu Kuala Lumpur will be hosting an art exhibition entitled 50/50 from the 6th of July 2013. The artists involved in this 2-man show are Choo Kuan Yeoh and Seah Zelin.
It is an interesting show which will feature 2 young artists who despite coming through 2 very different schools of thoughts share very similar dynamics in their art.
For starters, Zelin is known for his layering methods which are exuded through the process of producing his body of work. He studied at the University of Central England where his works are so often associated with what people see in IKEA catalogues which depict more than perfect home spaces with promises of the perfect home.
On the other side of the spectrum is Choo Kuan who are known for his works in monochromatic expressions where he paints around themes like death, life, love and sex. It is in his own ways that he produces his works of abstraction without being influence by any sort of incidents or occurrence.
It is in these contrasts that make juxtaposes both the artists together which makes 50/50 an exciting exhibition as it breaks away from the usual norms that a lot of shows are related to these days.
Opening Hours: Mondays Saturdays: 10.00am 7.00pm