Group Show – #chasingsquares – 18th February 2014 – 18th March 2014

malaysia-chasingsquaresA mobile photography exhibition entitled #chasingsquares is being held at the D6 art space in Sentul East. The fusion of contemporary media and art has been very popular in recent years especially with the wider coverage and connectivity using social media that promotes engagement and interaction with the viewing audience.

As such, #chasingsquares provide the ideal platform for those who like photography and those who are very connected on social media to indulge into this body of work. Based on the popular mobile photo sharing app, Instagram, it is a pop-up exhibition which provides the audience with what the organizer likes to showcase the ‘7 points o view’ about what we chase in life.

The show is made up by 7 local mobile phone photographers which in today’s terms are known as ‘Instagrammers’ and this will surely be a first-of-its-kind type of show and it will demonstrate the intertwining of art and technology which is hosted by Malaysian photographer Zung of The Photoz. Providing 7 point of views from the 7 Instgrammers, #chasingsquares comes with a strong message that will draw the audience into their realms, their expressions and their unique point of clicks using their mobile devices, pretty much the way of life of our current society.

Instagrammers Involved:




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