Group Show – The Door III: Initiation – 20th April 2014 – 3rd May 2014

malaysia-thedoorpartIIIHom Art Trans will be hosting a group show called ‘The Door III: Initiation’. This is regarded as the last installment of ‘The Door’ series. Artists involved in this show include Arikwibowo Amril, Hisyamuddin Abdullah and Shafiq Nordin who are placing their own interpretations on their views of globalization through paintings and sculptures, among others. All 3 artists graduated from UiTM with their B.A (Hons) in 2012 and were involved in the first 2 ‘The Door’ exhibitions.


Artists Involved:
Arikwibowo Amril
Hisyamuddin Abdullah
Shafiq Nordin

Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 11.00am to 6.00pm, Saturdays: 1.00pm to 6.00pm




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