The Sarawak Art Museum is hosting a group exhibition entitled Pertumpuan: Senusa Sejiwa which will be featuring some of the great works of Malaysian artists. The show will be exhibition 30 selected artworks that are in the Petronas Art Collection and this will include works by Raphael Scott Ahbeng and Bangie a/k Embol, among the many Sarawakian artists. The art pieces are selected to celebrate the ethnic diversity and beautiful landscapes that Sarawak is known for.
Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays 9.00am to 4.45pm, Weekends 10.00am to 4.00pm.
Artists involved:
Raphael Scott Ahbeng
Tsai Horng Chung
Yeo Suh Chan Bangie a/k Embol
Datuk Sharifah Fatimah Syed Zubir
Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal
Ivan Lam
Johan Marjonid
Yong Mun Sen
Yee I-Lann
Haron Mokhtar
Nadiah Bamadhaj