Every once in a while, in light of all the heavy issues and subjects like society, politics and other things happening around the country, something light hearted comes around which reminds us of what makes us so unique and special. Events that brings a smile to your face to remind you to be appreciative of what you have and the rich culture we enjoy around us.
Shows like Senyum Sajalah does just that. This photography show means Just Smile and that is what the exhibition aims to do.
On show at the Penang Camera Museum gallery, this pictorial exhibition puts the platform out to showcase what makes Malaysians, Malaysians. There are thousands of pictures which are on display here and it that pretty much takes you on a visual journey on that which makes us different and those that makes us one.
With a title like Senyum Sajalah, anyone visiting the show will surely be amazed by the experience of how infectious a smile can be and how it can actually changes the mood of the person, merely by looking at those who smile which in this context, at the photos. At the end of the show, it will surely leave a smile on your face, or better still leave your smile behind.