Power, Play, Perception – Group Show 2018

Whitebox at Publika is hosting a group exhibition entitled Power, Play, Perception. This show is co-hosted by Gajah Gallery and Tabularasa Studio. The exhibition brings together a group of artists from Southeast Asia which will juxtapose some of the amazing works that transcend different culture and artforms.

Artists involved:

  1. Ahmad Zakii Anwar
  2. Ashley Bickerton
  3. Erizal As
  4. Fika Ria Santika
  5. Handiwriman Saputra
  6. Jason Lim
  7. Jigger Cruz
  8. Kayleigh Goh
  9. Mangu Putra
  10. Mujahidin Nuirrahman
  11. Rudi Mantofani
  12. Sabri Idrus
  13. Suzann Victor
  14. Yunizar


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