The Art Gallery in Penang is set to host a solo show which will be featuring the works of renowned Malaysian artist Khoo Sui Hoe. This will be a collection of some of Khoos exciting body of work which was produced since 1967 and up to as recent as 2013. Hence, it will be a visit down memory lane for the artist which is why this show is called a Mini Retrospective.
Dato Dr Tan Chee Khuan, the owner of The Art Gallery said that the idea of a mini retrospective show was envisioned when he and his wife contacted Khoo for some works to replenish those that were sold and it was the right timing as Khoo had to leave for the United States.
There will be 34 pieces of work on show from Khoo who graduated from the prestigious Nanyang School of Fine Arts in Singapore more than 50 years ago. Granted under the John D Rockefeller 3rd Fund, he went on to learn at New Yorks The Pratt Graphic Center in 1974. Among those that are on show include his oldest oil on canvas entitled The Little Wedding which is in the permanent collection of the Penang State Art Gallery.