Solo Show – Yuan Art Exhibition by Madame Goh Hooi Khim – 3rd January 2014 – 31st March 2014

malaysia-yuanartMadame Goh Hooi Khim is currently showcasing her artwork at the link bridge of G Hotel in Penang. The show is entitled Yuan Art Exhibition and is based on the techniques of Agarwood carving which has been passed down for generations since the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

Madame Goh, who is renowned for her calligraphic techniques and one who loves paintings will be exhibiting a collection of sculptures made using Agarwood and is mixed with other media.

This means that the viewer will be welcomed with an aromatic scent to appreciating art as it tingle the senses in a totally different way. The 56-year old art teacher used agarwood which is glued to the base of the wooden sculptures and then using her signature calligraphic strokes, she paints some words of wisdom and use the standard items like trees, mountains and landscapes commonly associated with Chinese brush art.

She got the inspiration and idea to use agarwood when a Buddhist monk gave her some agarwood pieces that resembled the scenic mountains in Huangshan which she experienced during a previous trip. She then proceeded to use glue, sawdust, twigs and leaves, among other things and integrated with the agarwood to create what would be a modern twist to a traditional and historical artform.


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