TAKSU KL is currently holding a 2 artists art exhibition entitled ‘Within Darkened Disorder, Muse & Reverie… The Wicket Woman Let Out a Curse’ which will be featuring Meme or Khairul Azmir Shoib and Haslin Ismail. As the title implies, one can expect a fantasy like type of artwork from both the artists who have been commonly associated with artwork around this genre.
From Haslin, one can expect artwork that encircle around the use of fictional robots in various perspectives and expressions through his favourite medium of paper
The message of the possibility of robots, which essentially are made by human to obtain emotional traits while Meme offers his work on text and image composition and characters into this exhibition.
The exhibition brings together 2 of Malaysia’s most unique contemporary artists who have often been associated with fantasy like characters. Meme on one hand is renowned for his drawings which are highly imaginative, personal and very expressive in his own superficial world of animation and fairy-tales. Meme is an art lecturer in profession where his publication works have been seen and loved by many. Haslin on the other hand is known to be a great admirer and advocate of using paper in his artwork.
The Johor-born artist takes a different approach in the address of social issues where he uses robots as his main subject matter on the future of relationships and such through this highly unique exhibition. The ‘Within Darkened’ show has been running since May 30 and will continue until 28 June 2012.