If you are an aspiring photographer and would like to compete against the best photography works in the region, then the Raymond Weil International Photography Competition 2012 would be the ideal place to start. The organisers are currently accepting entries from now to the 30th November 2012.
Basically, you will have to submit one photograph which must be in JPEG form, at a maximum of 1,600 x 1,600 pixels and 1Mo maximum weight. The resolution to be submitted must be a minimum of 72dpi where lower ones would not be accepted. If your work wins, then you will be required to send in a 300dpi picture of the winning entry.
The theme for the competition is Precision is my Inspiration and you are free to express yourself through the media along this theme. The official jury of the competition are members of staff from Raymond Weil as well as those who are close to the company and some who are closely associated to the arts. Winners of the competition would win a cash prize of USD$5,000, an exhibition with a recognized art gallery to be confirmed later and exclusive support from Raymond Weil. Before that, your work must be selected among the top 20 most accomplished by the jury and then they will be posted on the Facebook page for online voting. The work with the top votes will win the award.